Government anom aji bin maulana singa senses anom year 1046-1063 AH 1639-1656
aji anom maulana in Heaven Knows succeeded his father 3 mas aji anom died .senses Government aji aji mas maulana anom . known to be very cruel sense of the people, in force in order to build a magnificent palace in the country that the label off the wall, and there was no time to plant rice and fruit for the welfare of the people
aji anom maulana singa was killed in the field against the land thd war hamlets and in helping the locals who hate the king of cruel to the people. He has a descendant that is
- . Aji prime with the addition of titles Soeleman
- . Aji duwo with a penambahan adam
- .aji geger
aji prime government with additional titles Soeleman bin aji anom years 1066-1090 maulana 1659-1683 / eldest son of the prime aji aji maulana in anom king to lift the title addition of 5 Soeleman succeeded his father, who died in battle against the village land and daha KURIPAN on year or the year 1063 AH 1656 AD.
prime government with additional titles Soeleman actively working hard to promote the country, establishing,mosques prayers near the palace, built to safeguard the security forces who come from outside the area, so in love by safe and prosperous people. Additions Soeleman died of illness and do not leave children or descendants .
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3 komentar Saat ini ::
mengenal sejarah nih.... menembah wawasan kawan
18 Maret 2010 pukul 12.10@richo : sedikit mengulas kerajaan di kalimantan sobat, thanks ya dh mampir..
menambah wawasan ilmu sangat beermakna sekali..
24 Januari 2012 pukul 14.51Posting Komentar
Pesan Hati Nurani Dari Rakyat Untuk Rakyat......Buat Sahabat Blogger Maupun Pengunjung Blog ini. Sekiranya Sudi Memberikan Sedikit Uang Recehnya Buat Saudara Kita Yang Sedang Membutuhkan Uluran Tangan Dan Bantuan Dari Kita Semua. Semoga Kebaikan Dan Bantuan yang Sobat Berikan Akan Di Balas Dengan kebajikan yang Berlimpah........terimakasih.
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