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Its About Keris

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Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

if we are willling to observ our cultural history carefully, evidently the KERIS CULTURAL is a prominent feature in our social life in any era period, in any part of the indonesian archipelago

the KERIS is on art product made of iron as raw material. Therefore it has been established that our forefathersin the iron age originally made the keris. In this country there are large deposits of iron, so it is no worder that producks of the metal developed very fast

we ought to be provd of the great legacy teft by our ancestor, rather then being overawed by foreign culture

to be sure, part of our fast was gloory and grady, owing to the period of colonization. But this fast shouldn't reduce us to a petty nation, on the centrary, we musts rally to look into mistakes our forefathers made. The black page of history must not kill our ambition to attain a bright future. It is for the future that we have got to do something , we must exhibit the heritage of our high ancestral culture

in every era, the keris setting has adapted it self to exigencies of the times and the need of the keris masters in diffrerent eras, not only the models of the objects developed , but also what is more important, also the esotoric values which want with it
  • by rudi kusuma
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